How do you begin a blog from day 1? I guess you just start writing and that's it. So, why blog? Everyone is out there to get their two cents in, so hey, why not me as well?
Makin' it Mesh. That seems to be how I live my life. I don't quite fit into any one place, I'm kind of all over. Both figuratively and literally. Whenever I find myself somewhere new, which seems to be frequently, I always find it difficult to "fit in". My interests are so varied and my views so broad that I often times feel like an octagon trying to fit through a round hole. If I would just give a little here or there I would easily make it, but I guess I'm just too darn stubborn.
One of my most recent stepping stone in life, parenthood, has made me look at almost everything in a whole new way. I'm am sure that most new parent's experience this very same thing, it's not all about me anymore. Every decision I make and path I take will now have a direct effect on my daughter's life. Wow. As I muddle my way through my everyday life I just hope I making the right choices. We can never have total assurance that we are doing the right thing, but if our children turn out to be okay in the end, we know we have done our jobs well. Sometimes I wondered if my parent's thought I would ever turn out alright, but I now know that a parent will always believe in their child. A parent truly is their child's number one fan.
I realize that I will not be the only one that will have an impact on my child's life. There is a whole world out there that will throw many curve balls her way. My goal now is to make sure that she has the knowledge and the tools to be able to handle the challenges she faces and the blessings she receives. If I can make it mesh for me, then hopefully I can help it make sense for her (and any other possible future children I may have).
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